Bellevue DECA Heading to Nationals

Bellevue DECA will be attending the Collegiate DECA 2015 International Career Development Conference will be held in Orlando, Florida

The Collegiate DECA International Career Development Conference will be held in Orlando, Florida

Can you believe it is less than two weeks to nationals?

Just like when we went to Victoria, Bellevue DECA will need to have an orientation with student activities leadership.  This should happen during our new MKTG 290 meeting time, Tuesdays from 3-5.  Let’s plan on 3-4 for general team discussion, and then have 4-5 be our orientation for those who are going to nationals.

Everyone will need to have completed the paperwork for the trip before this meeting occurs.  Also, please connect with Tana about the proposed ideas for the group having a structured fun activity together in Orlando.